The Institute of Oriental Philosophy

Sanskrit Lotus Sutra Manuscript from the Asiatic Society, Kolkata (No. 4079) Romanized Text (2014)

On March 28, 2014, the Institute of Oriental Philosophy (IOP) and the Soka Gakkai published a romanized text of Sanskrit paper Manuscript from the Asiatic Society, Kolkata, India (No. 4079), the fourteenth part of its ongoing Lotus Sutra Manuscript series. This record shows that this manuscript was transcribed in 1680 CE, indicating that it is the oldest paper manuscript among those currently accessible.
This is the very first Nepalese paper manuscript that marks the beginning of the period of copying paper manuscripts over 400 years after the period of copying Nepalese palm-leaf manuscripts (from ca. the 10th through the 12th centuries). It is thus an important manuscript, which represents the fountainhead of the paper manuscripts that would follow thereafter. 

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