The Institute of Oriental Philosophy
IOP Journal Volume 17





Dialogue: Message for the Age of Human Rights--What Does the Third Millennium Require? (1) - Daisaku Ikeda / Adolfo Pérez Esquivel



1. Bioethics and Religion from Public Lectures:

・Bioethics from the View of Buddhism - Shoji Mori
Bioethics on the Beginning of Life: Bioscience and Religious Culture in an Age of Crisis - Susumu Shimazono
・Personalistic Bioethics: The Dignity of the Human Embryo
from the Moment of Fertilization - Etsuko Akiba

・Buddhist Perspective of Recent Advances in Science and Technology
Shuichi Yamamoto / Victor S. Kuwahara

2. From the Symposium Cosponsored with the Institute of
Oriental Studies (St. Petersburg) of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
・Message - Daisaku Ikeda
・The Buddhist Manuscripts in the Collection of St-Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences - I.F. Popova
A Vision of Peace in the Lotus Sutra - Yoichi Kawada
・The Contemporary Significance of Buddhism and the Activities of Daisaku Ikeda - M. I. Vorobyo va-Desyatovskaya
・The Eastern Orthodox Theology and Buddhism--Deification and Nirvāna - Tatsuya Yamazaki

3. From the Symposium Cosponsored with The Chinese University of Hong Kong:
・Message - Daisaku Ikeda
・The Bodhisattva Way and Valuing the Real World in the Lotus Sūtra - Hiroshi Kanno
・Inter-religious Dialogue in Shūron, a Kyōgen Play - Ken’ichi Maegawa
・Reexamination of “Religion” in Contemporary Society - Sunao Taira


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